3M™ Automotive Window Films, FX Standard Series

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Get comfort and protection from the sun's heat and harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays

Reject up to 46% of the total solar energy coming through your windows

Reduce reliance on air conditioning and decrease fuel consumption

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  • Get comfort and protection from the sun's heat and harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays
  • Reject up to 46% of the total solar energy coming through your windows
  • Reduce reliance on air conditioning and decrease fuel consumption
  • Increase privacy – block up to 95% of visible light to provide increased privacy and protect your valuables
  • Block up to 99% of harmful UV light providing up to 1000 SPF (sun protection factor)
  • Non-metallised to keep you connected with mobile devices, GPS or satellite radio reception without interference
  • Available in different tint levels
  • Darker tinting significantly reduces glare from blinding sunlight

3M™ Automotive Window Films, FX Standard Series are our affordable non-metallised window films that reject up to 46% of solar energy. Available in different tint levels that block up to 95% of visible light to provide increased privacy and protect your valuables. They provide a sun protection factor (SPF) of up to 1000.

Du kan forbedre komforten, beskytte bilens interiør og blokere ultraviolette stråler (UV) med 3M™ film til bilvinduer, FX-Standard serie – en ikke-metallisk film med en solbeskyttelsesfaktor (SPF) på 1000. Vores ikke-metalliske vinduesfilm afviser op til 99 % af UV-stråler og reflekterer op til 46 % af den samlede solenergi, så du kan holde dig afkølet, hvilket reducerer behovet for aircondition og mindsker brændstofforbruget. Denne film fås i forskellige toningsniveauer, som afviser op til 95 % af det synlige lys, og den reducerer genskin markant og giver bedre afskærmning for at beskytte dig og dine værdigenstande.

Foreslåede anvendelser
  • Cars, vans and trucks



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