Siden 2011 har 3M hvert år udarbejdet en rapport, der beskriver status for bæredygtighed i alle facetter af virksomhedens forretning i alle dele af verden. Rapporten er rettet mod 3M's medarbejdere, jobsøgere, leverandører, kunder og medier, og giver et eksternt bekræftet billede af, hvor virksomheden står i sin mission om at forbedre ethvert liv.
At opretholde vores forretning og vores planet, betyder at beskytte naturressourcer og styrke enkeltpersoner og samfund i hele verden for at opmuntre til fremgang. Frem for alt betyder det, at forenes under et fælles mål: at forbedre ethvert liv. Dette er den fortsatte historie om vores formål: #improvinglives.
Læs om vores resultater i bestræbelserne på at forbedre ethvert liv.
A look at the strengths and priorities that make 3M unique in the marketplace.
3M Nordic countries at a glance
See our four business groups and learn about our business model. (Nordic PDF, 36 MB)
Gagnef site spotlight (Nordic PDF, 36 MB)
Värnamo site spotlight (Nordic PDF, 36 MB)
Västervik site spotlight (Nordic PDF, 36 MB)
3M Value Model (Nordic PDF, 36 MB)
See how we combine the 3M Vision, Values, stakeholder engagement, and our Sustainability Framework, to advance sustainability across our organization.
Advancing impact (Nordic PDF, 36 MB)
See how our Sustainability Framework is addressing global challenges and how we measure success.
Communities (Nordic PDF, 36 MB)
Learn how we’re investing money, products, and time to support communities, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education, and environmental programs.
Employee diversity, equity, and inclusion (Nordic PDF, 36 MB)
Learn how 3M is creating a respectful culture that supports and celebrates diverse, inclusive workforce.
In 2020, 3M again received accolades for its efforts in the area of sustainability. Here’s a partial gallery of them.
A look into how sustainability is embedded into the core of 3M.
An overview of 3M's approach to responsible business practice:
Corporate governance (Nordic PDF, 36 MB)
A clear explanation of how corporate governance practices serve the long-term interests of 3M and sustainability.
Enterprise risk (Nordic PDF, 36 MB)
How 3M helps assure adequate recognition and ownership of the most significant potential risks to shareholder value.
Corporate Code of Conduct (Nordic PDF, 36 MB)
Defining the uncompromising values that bind us together as 3M employees, across business groups and geographies.
Human rights (Nordic PDF, 36 MB)
We set guidelines and identify high-risk areas in our ongoing effort to assure respect for human rights everywhere.
A work plan that provides competitive market pay and comprehensive benefits at all levels.
Employee programs (Nordic PDF, 36 MB)
From FlexAbility to Systainability Week, we are dedicated investors in our most valuable resource: people.
Environmental, health, and safety management (Nordic PDF, 36 MB)
An overview of 3M’s approach to responsible stewardship and the steps we’re taking today to advance the safety of 3M employees, visitors, locations, and surrounding communities.
Circular materials (Nordic PDF, 36 MB)
How we design solutions that do more with less material, advancing a global circular economy.
Climate and energy (Nordic PDF, 36 MB)
How we’re applying science-based innovation to address the challenges and opportunities presented by climate change.
Suppliers (Nordic PDF, 36 MB)
See how our supply chain policies and practices are an extension of our commitment to sustainability.
A look at how we utilize our fundamental strengths to create unique solutions for our customers and society, all in support of the greater good.
Our customers (Nordic PDF, 36 MB)
How 3M builds sustainability into all new products while innovating and growing with our customers.
Innovation management (Nordic PDF, 36 MB)
How we use 3M culture, technology, manufacturing, and global capabilities to create sustainability solutions.
Our products (Nordic PDF, 36 MB)
See how we’ve applied sustainability to our diverse product portfolio.
ESG Summary (Nordic PDF, 36 MB)
Learn more about our Sustainability strategy and ESG summary in the Nordic office facilities and manufacturing sites
A behind-the-scenes description of the global standards and auditing procedures used to generate this report.
An explanation of how we collect, adjust (when appropriate) and verify the data in the 3M 2021 Sustainability Report.
A statement from APEX LLC regarding its scope of work, methodology, and findings in the 2021 3M Sustainability Report.